Anti-Slip Solutions

Anti-Slip Solutions Malta


Anti-slip Solutions has been set up to combat the ever-growing problem of slip and fall accidents that are happening on a daily basis and that affect people both at home and at their place of work. Safe Grip and Safe Kleen are the two products that will ensure that these accidents do not occur.

We have partnered with a UK company that has a proven track record and 25 years experience in this field manufacturing a range of products for improving the safety of walked on surfaces. The directors’ long-standing experience in the construction industry has enabled them to form strong relationships with expert technical advisors and chemists with whom they work very closely to ensure that their current and future products meet the highest standards.

In Malta as anywhere else many accidents happen when they are least expected to make the need for a solution immediate and important. It is estimated that 15 percent of the accidents reported and treated at our local hospitals and clinics are due to slips and falls and in many cases, these result in broken bones and necessitate long-term recovery. Needless to say, this would reflect in lost man-hours at work as well as discomfort and inconvenience at home.

The Firm

Anti-slip is relatively new in the market but is full of potential and holds the right knowledge and product to succeed. Our aim is to continue in our supplier’s footsteps, i.e. sharing a product that works.

Having partnered with a reliable UK manufacturer gives the firm immediate stability and guaranteed positive results. The product’s success is its reputation and this allows us to be confident in what we are promoting, ensuring satisfaction for all once the job is concluded.

Our confidence, in turn, will give you the peace of mind you need, knowing that your staff, third parties and indeed your family is fully protected when walking on wet surfaces.

Who We Serve

Safe Grip & Safe Kleen making any surface slip proof; from those found in public toilets to hospitals, offices, hotels, restaurants, homes, pool areas & more. A product manufactured to protect all surfaces of any establishment or home alike.

The Product

Safe Grip Anti Slip Treatment is one of the most user and environmentally friendly products of its type on the market.

Legal Facts

By means of Legal notice 44 of 2002, the Workplace (Minimum Health and Safety Requirements) Regulation stipulates that all suitable measures are to be taken to render slip proof any highly polished surface and that the public areas of a building are to be maintained in order to prevent injury, including slips. Therefore the workplace and areas accessed by the general public are legally required to protect users from slips, trips or falls.

Safe Grip

Safe Grip is a transparent Anti Slip Solution which has a very low odour, and which can be applied to a variety of surfaces, both internal and external, radically improving the slip resistance when wet.

Safe Kleen

A highly dilutable Multi-Purpose Cleaner that with a unique combination of surface active agents, sequestrants and alkaline builders has excellent cleaning abilities for the removal of dirt, grease, oil and grime making it a truly versatile multi-purpose cleaner.

How is it applied?

The process is two-fold and can be applied DIY. First, you would need to clean the surface with our highly effective liquid solution, Safe Kleen, which will remove most types of dirt that is found on a surface. After the floor is washed and dried, the Safe Grip solution is applied. The instructions are readily available on the back of the bottle.